> Biggun hates YOU! sara T punk
> dickens' journal from in the can
> From the Orifice of the Playpen Linda/Paul Hurwood
> smell ME cait collins
in the playpen rated (se)X check THIS: nude clothing
this month buk reads
"i don't need a cleopatra"
> the hold - issue #1
> hold archives
> INTERVIEWS -w/ hold contribs.
> mcn - issue#35
> 9*11*01
poetry readings
> KENT/1999
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> KENT/2001
inside info
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hapPy birthday buk......8/16 - happy birthday nicholas morgan...8/16[lucky dick] happy birthday ron androla...8/07 - carter monroe = = SPANK SPANK SPANK!!! now show us whatcha got to blow -*waggin tongue*... - the hold 2nd underbeat journal is out in the the reviews and if you ain't got yours...shishmershame on YOU.. christ my mom usta say that to me shakin her finger ferociously(sp) pants ..i need new it in nude clothing pant pant pant - look throughout for bukpoems etc...and thank YOU for the awesome buk collage s.a. griffin buk would be proud [and drunk]!!! and --->away we go........+++++++
hope yer havin' as much fun as we are dave xo cait
t h e h o l dt h e h o l dt h e h o l dt h e h o l dt h e h o l d
- now playing -
the Hurwood's ...from the Oriface of the Playpen...don't miss what linda/paul hurwood have to say about how wankin the weenie is good for your check out paul's new website... go there now!
jay miner might want to stop by jay miner's page and visit the rock he was born under and the cave he was raised in...*blink* and check out his new visual ..umm... rock!!! (no pun hehe)
Cat's Impetuous Books & stuff - BLURBS - NEW ONLINE BOOKSTORE
...Cheryl 'cat' Townsend specializes in small press publications and true alternative writings. Cat's carries artwork, zines, photography, postcards, used books, and videos. Books On and For Everything From The Classics To Pop Culture To Counter Culture ...visit cat's today for regularly updated BLURBS!
bukstuff...haPPy birthday to buk...and if anybody's interested buk's site will be redecorated ready for august 16th...the date of his out for that...
Whirligig #7 now available - get with it at The Whirligig Frank J. Marcopolos editor
eugene dickens - dickens journal ... otherwise known as #14015-031 (via the federal correctional institution) is on the lookout for PENpals (no pun intended) / for further details visit dickens journal here at
t h e h o l dt h e h o l dt h e h o l d t h e h o l dt h e h o l d
t h e h o l dt h e h o l dt h e h o l dt h e h o l dt h e h o l d
jim chandler - Thunder Sandwich ...the new issue of TS #21 is now in place - after your through here /check out this distinct contemp litzine...yes !
joe mahoney ...Here's a grinder from joe's new band The Sidonians, kind of a BlueCheer-w/-shittier-amps band = "Saturn Jane" + Chastityhat proudly presents
"Oct 68" the debut CD by The Poppies. -> check it all out HERE - yes !
ZINE PUBLISHER CULLEN CARTER IN COMA: ... After a horrific cycling accident, well-known and well-liked zine publisher (My Moon or More, The Secret Life of Snakes) and former TW contributor Cullen Carter lies in a hospital, seriously injured. His fellow DIY writers are organizing a benefit show in Chicago to raise funds to help his family pay for the medical bills. for more info and updates visit the whirligig - read the flyer and please help!
t h e h o l dt h e h o l d&t h e h o l dt h e h o l dt h e h o l d
new book releases
Carter Monroe with Eric C. Harrison ...get together with Carter and Eric with their new poetry chapbook release of Parallel Enigmas / DON'T wait for this one to be gone / order through Third Lung Press
Alphabet Alliterations - ron androla presents the Pressure Press Poets --- a buncha yer fav poets coolaborating the a-z way - get these FREE ($1.50 s/h fee) while they last! highlights and list of poets here
Jim 'Jazz' Chandler
...editor/publisher jazz chandlers' new poetry collection Smoke and Thunder is now available at B & N and Walmart online and should be available at other online (and chains) soon. get it while it's hot!
NO FRILLS ADS - for print journals
... that's right now you can advertise your events / new chaps / books / small press / magazines / online zines in upcoming underbeat journals for a deadline/release date: TBA/ don't be cheap spread your ink...and ours! more info
bOOKS bOOKS bOOKS ...QUALITY GIFTS AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE: books • chapbooks • small press print • audio readings -this section of the hold now UPdated for your convenience...NEW NEW NEW many NEW your favorite poet and the arts! GO
virtual headlines:
LOP Toolbar Remover
...The Lop Toolbar is not only one of the most annoying hijacker toolbars around, it is also spyware! Not only does it hijack your starting page and keeps sending you to its advertisers, it also tracks all your site visits and reports them back to Lop Inc. This information is then used to 'tailor' a marketing plan targeting you based on your surfing habits (which means more popups and more junk email). Additionally, Lop auto updates itself and downloads various software onto the infected PC (both without your permission), in an effort to remain updated and to avoid removal by spyware detection software. This makes Lop removal extremely hard! - MORE INFO HERE
t h e h o l dt h e h o l dt h e h o l dt h e h o l dt h e h o l d