Chuck Kindle


we fuck against the pain

we hold we fold we part
ways against the pain
we build we sell we raze
against the pain we produce
the capitals of alienation
alienation against the pain
the liberation of legless boys
who learn the pledge and are forgotten
donations to ethiopia against the pain
canned goods and condom drives
long drives in the country
that ever end against a bridge
I knew it was love then see
a bottle of jim beam and bible black
leave the boy at home
we have smart bombs and small men against the pain
we jog down the street
and do push-ups in the dark alone
against the pain we have pills and elixirs
we probe our veins and fondle girls
we bear chidren against the pain
and shut our eyes sometimes
we have
meaningless words and leisure time activities
a leisure suit against the pain
we have shotguns and badges
we have a wife called punching bag
and a boy named sue we swim
against the pain
we float against the pain
we look into a girl’s eyes and see ourselves
we have mirrors against the pain and mirrored shades
that reveal nought we speak we stop
we form congregations against the pain
we kill god we love god we are god
against the pain we pimp we pander
we pry into the pain we whore
we hoard
we fuck against the pain.


i tried to write this poem for you

i tried to say you assail the impervious
how death is on shore leave in your smile
and I'm lost at sea

the legless boy
with his solemn hands fades
the fugitive forms the
universal rape and the x's in her eyes
the x in us
clouds of blood part that don't
and the moment is clean
no dumpsters of malignancy
melancholy mystery my baby and death
and disfigured fate and disfigured friends
my baby's eyes my baby's eyes no broken bones
when she meets the floor
no gold teeth no
car alarms
no alarm
in your approach I laugh loud
i ebb and flow
i am the sea
and death is the beach I lick
fuck time
the messianic foreman's worst fear

fuck my tearstained fingers
these bloodstained gloves
this poem for you .


     I'm a 38 year old twice divorced father of two who has mangled english for more than 20 years. I've published in imp, woodenhead, and speakeasy. the few chaps I once had are long gone as i've been in hiding for at least this millenium.

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